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Calculating Expression Outliers Against a Reference Data Set

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Download the Data

First we need to download the data set we will use. We are going to use the TCGA data here since it is publically available and well known (UCSC Xena TCGA PANCAN). We will download the TPM matrix as well as the corresponding metadata file

--2021-06-09 19:24:14--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 740772247 (706M) [binary/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm.gz.1’

tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm. 100%[===================>] 706.46M  25.4MB/s    in 24s     

2021-06-09 19:24:38 (30.0 MB/s) - ‘tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm.gz.1’ saved [740772247/740772247]

--2021-06-09 19:24:38--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2419504 (2.3M) [binary/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘Survival_SupplementalTable_S1_20171025_xena_sp.1’

Survival_Supplement 100%[===================>]   2.31M  7.80MB/s    in 0.3s    

2021-06-09 19:24:38 (7.80 MB/s) - ‘Survival_SupplementalTable_S1_20171025_xena_sp.1’ saved [2419504/2419504]

The matrix we have downloaded is very large as it contains many different disease cohorts. For the purposes of this tutorial we want a smaller data set so we are going to choose the smallest TCGA cohort, CHOL. To do this we need to use the metadata file to subset the main matrix file

Install Dependencies

For the following tutorial we are going to use some common data processing and visualization libraries in python: seaborn and pandas. We need to install them before we proceed

!pip install pandas seaborn
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (1.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: seaborn in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pandas) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pandas) (2018.9)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pandas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=2.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from seaborn) (3.2.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from seaborn) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (2.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (0.10.0)

Create the Disease Matrix Subset

First read the metadata file

import json

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

meta_df = pd.read_csv('Survival_SupplementalTable_S1_20171025_xena_sp', sep='\t')
sample _PATIENT cancer type abbreviation age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis gender race ajcc_pathologic_tumor_stage clinical_stage histological_type histological_grade initial_pathologic_dx_year menopause_status birth_days_to vital_status tumor_status last_contact_days_to death_days_to cause_of_death new_tumor_event_type new_tumor_event_site new_tumor_event_site_other new_tumor_event_dx_days_to treatment_outcome_first_course margin_status residual_tumor OS OS.time DSS DSS.time DFI DFI.time PFI PFI.time Redaction
0 TCGA-OR-A5J1-01 TCGA-OR-A5J1 ACC 58.0 MALE WHITE Stage II NaN Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type NaN 2000.0 NaN -21496.0 Dead WITH TUMOR NaN 1355.0 NaN Distant Metastasis Peritoneal Surfaces NaN 754.0 Complete Remission/Response NaN NaN 1.0 1355.0 1.0 1355.0 1.0 754.0 1.0 754.0 NaN
1 TCGA-OR-A5J2-01 TCGA-OR-A5J2 ACC 44.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage IV NaN Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type NaN 2004.0 NaN -16090.0 Dead WITH TUMOR NaN 1677.0 NaN Distant Metastasis Soft Tissue NaN 289.0 Progressive Disease NaN NaN 1.0 1677.0 1.0 1677.0 NaN NaN 1.0 289.0 NaN
2 TCGA-OR-A5J3-01 TCGA-OR-A5J3 ACC 23.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage III NaN Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type NaN 2008.0 NaN -8624.0 Alive WITH TUMOR 2091.0 NaN NaN Distant Metastasis Lung NaN 53.0 Complete Remission/Response NaN NaN 0.0 2091.0 0.0 2091.0 1.0 53.0 1.0 53.0 NaN
3 TCGA-OR-A5J4-01 TCGA-OR-A5J4 ACC 23.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage IV NaN Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type NaN 2000.0 NaN -8451.0 Dead WITH TUMOR NaN 423.0 NaN Locoregional Recurrence Peritoneal Surfaces NaN 126.0 Progressive Disease NaN NaN 1.0 423.0 1.0 423.0 NaN NaN 1.0 126.0 NaN
4 TCGA-OR-A5J5-01 TCGA-OR-A5J5 ACC 30.0 MALE WHITE Stage III NaN Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type NaN 2000.0 NaN -11171.0 Dead WITH TUMOR NaN 365.0 NaN Locoregional Recurrence Other, specify vena cava thrombus 50.0 Progressive Disease NaN NaN 1.0 365.0 1.0 365.0 NaN NaN 1.0 50.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
12586 TCGA-YZ-A980-01 TCGA-YZ-A980 UVM 75.0 MALE WHITE Stage IIIA Stage IIIA Spindle Cell|Epithelioid Cell NaN 2010.0 NaN -27716.0 Alive TUMOR FREE 1862.0 NaN NaN New Primary Tumor Other, specify Scalp 1556.0 NaN NaN NaN 0.0 1862.0 0.0 1862.0 NaN NaN 1.0 1556.0 NaN
12587 TCGA-YZ-A982-01 TCGA-YZ-A982 UVM 79.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage IIIB Stage IIIB Spindle Cell NaN 2013.0 NaN -28938.0 Alive TUMOR FREE 495.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.0 495.0 0.0 495.0 NaN NaN 0.0 495.0 NaN
12588 TCGA-YZ-A983-01 TCGA-YZ-A983 UVM 51.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage IIB Stage IIB Epithelioid Cell NaN 2013.0 NaN -18769.0 Alive TUMOR FREE 798.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.0 798.0 0.0 798.0 NaN NaN 0.0 798.0 NaN
12589 TCGA-YZ-A984-01 TCGA-YZ-A984 UVM 50.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage IIB Stage IIIA Spindle Cell|Epithelioid Cell NaN 2011.0 NaN -18342.0 Dead WITH TUMOR NaN 1396.0 Metastatic Uveal Melanoma New Primary Tumor Other, specify Thyroid 154.0 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 1396.0 1.0 1396.0 NaN NaN 1.0 154.0 NaN
12590 TCGA-YZ-A985-01 TCGA-YZ-A985 UVM 41.0 FEMALE WHITE Stage IIIA Stage IIIA Spindle Cell NaN 2012.0 NaN -15164.0 Alive TUMOR FREE 1184.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.0 1184.0 0.0 1184.0 NaN NaN 0.0 1184.0 NaN

12591 rows × 34 columns

Now select the rows which match the disease we are intereseted in, CHOL. Print out the number of rows after the selecton. There should be 45

chol_meta_df = meta_df[meta_df['cancer type abbreviation'] == 'CHOL']

Next we are going to read in the data matrix. We will use the metadata we just collected to only load the columns for the cohort of interest. This will save memory and speed up the process. This will still probably take a few seconds.

columns_to_keep = ['sample'] + chol_meta_df['sample'].tolist()
chol_matrix = pd.read_csv('tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm.gz', compression='gzip', sep='\t', usecols=columns_to_keep)

To make things less confusing we will rename the "sample" column as "gene" since that is what is actually in that column

chol_matrix = chol_matrix.rename(columns={'sample': 'gene'})
chol_matrix = chol_matrix.set_index('gene')
TCGA-ZH-A8Y5-01 TCGA-4G-AAZT-01 TCGA-W5-AA2R-11 TCGA-W5-AA2I-01 TCGA-W5-AA34-01 TCGA-W5-AA2X-01 TCGA-W5-AA2H-01 TCGA-3X-AAVB-01 TCGA-3X-AAVA-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y4-01 TCGA-W5-AA31-11 TCGA-W5-AA2U-01 TCGA-W5-AA2Q-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y2-01 TCGA-W5-AA30-01 TCGA-WD-A7RX-01 TCGA-ZU-A8S4-11 TCGA-W5-AA2U-11 TCGA-3X-AAVE-01 TCGA-W5-AA2G-01 TCGA-W5-AA39-01 TCGA-4G-AAZO-01 TCGA-W5-AA2R-01 TCGA-W5-AA34-11 TCGA-W5-AA2I-11 TCGA-W6-AA0S-01 TCGA-W5-AA2W-01 TCGA-YR-A95A-01 TCGA-W5-AA33-01 TCGA-ZD-A8I3-01 TCGA-W5-AA2O-01 TCGA-W5-AA31-01 TCGA-W5-AA2Q-11 TCGA-W5-AA36-01 TCGA-W5-AA38-01 TCGA-ZU-A8S4-01 TCGA-W5-AA2Z-01 TCGA-3X-AAVC-01 TCGA-W5-AA30-11 TCGA-ZH-A8Y1-01 TCGA-3X-AAV9-01 TCGA-W5-AA2T-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y6-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y8-01 TCGA-W5-AA2X-11
ENSG00000242268.2 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -4.2934 -9.9658 -4.2934 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -4.0350 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -4.0350 -9.9658 -3.8160 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658
ENSG00000259041.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658
ENSG00000270112.3 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 -6.5064 -9.9658 -9.9658 -1.9942 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -3.1714 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 -6.5064 -9.9658
ENSG00000167578.16 4.0575 5.2430 3.1179 4.3716 4.6282 4.7203 6.7259 5.4233 4.4243 4.8105 3.2841 3.9892 3.8778 5.6244 4.7345 4.9175 3.3647 3.4277 4.8405 4.0046 5.7520 4.6955 5.0104 3.1393 3.2282 4.9855 5.9074 4.2958 4.6106 4.8510 4.5940 5.3035 3.8993 4.6525 5.6795 5.4216 4.2297 4.6101 3.7846 4.8802 4.8905 4.2025 5.7632 5.1611 3.8808
ENSG00000278814.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ENSG00000273233.1 -9.9658 -1.9942 -9.9658 -1.5951 -3.3076 -9.9658 -3.4580 -3.0469 -3.1714 -0.6873 -9.9658 -2.2447 -3.1714 -9.9658 -0.1504 -3.4580 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -3.0469 -2.2447 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -3.6259 -3.4580 -2.7274 -9.9658 -3.0469 -1.9379 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -1.2828 -9.9658 -1.9942 -3.1714 -9.9658 -3.3076 -9.9658 -9.9658 -0.9132 -3.1714 -3.4580 -9.9658
ENSG00000105063.18 5.1157 4.9901 3.5187 5.1277 4.6713 4.9322 6.0830 5.5604 5.1056 4.8445 3.2374 4.9275 4.7049 5.2327 4.9589 4.6910 2.9224 2.8462 5.4266 5.3005 4.3876 5.4654 5.0246 3.3842 2.8096 4.0207 5.8985 4.6944 5.4199 4.9741 5.1027 5.8483 3.5742 5.1211 5.4019 5.2114 4.7939 5.8783 2.9839 5.0747 5.0352 5.2250 5.6744 4.9978 3.4778
ENSG00000231119.2 -4.2934 -5.5735 -3.8160 -9.9658 -6.5064 -2.6349 -5.5735 -3.3076 -9.9658 -4.0350 -3.1714 -4.2934 -5.5735 -9.9658 -4.0350 -2.8262 -3.4580 -5.0116 -4.6082 -3.6259 -5.0116 -4.2934 -3.8160 -3.0469 -4.0350 -4.2934 -2.2447 -3.6259 -3.8160 -5.5735 -4.6082 -2.1140 -3.0469 -9.9658 -3.6259 -1.8314 -3.8160 -4.6082 -3.3076 -3.1714 -2.4659 -4.0350 -2.4659 -2.7274 -2.9324
ENSG00000280861.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658
ENSG00000181518.3 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658

60498 rows × 45 columns

Now that we have our matrix we are ready to start calculating metrics

Calculating Metrics

The input for an analysis where a patient sample is being compared to the TCGA cohort of interest would typically be an expression matrix using the same normalization method as the comparator cohort.

Note: Differences in library preparation, sequencing and bioinformatics pipelines can lead to variation in expression quantification. It is important to understand the impact these differences have on expression quantification before comparing expression values that are produced using different pipelines.

For the purposes of this tutorial we are going to choose one of the CHOL samples from our expression matrix to use as our input. We arbitrarily chose the first sample.

test_sample_id = chol_meta_df['sample'].tolist()[0]


We will start by calculating the percentile rank

percentiles = chol_matrix.copy()
percentiles = percentiles.rank(1, pct=True, numeric_only=True).apply(lambda x: round(x * 100))
TCGA-ZH-A8Y5-01 TCGA-4G-AAZT-01 TCGA-W5-AA2R-11 TCGA-W5-AA2I-01 TCGA-W5-AA34-01 TCGA-W5-AA2X-01 TCGA-W5-AA2H-01 TCGA-3X-AAVB-01 TCGA-3X-AAVA-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y4-01 TCGA-W5-AA31-11 TCGA-W5-AA2U-01 TCGA-W5-AA2Q-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y2-01 TCGA-W5-AA30-01 TCGA-WD-A7RX-01 TCGA-ZU-A8S4-11 TCGA-W5-AA2U-11 TCGA-3X-AAVE-01 TCGA-W5-AA2G-01 TCGA-W5-AA39-01 TCGA-4G-AAZO-01 TCGA-W5-AA2R-01 TCGA-W5-AA34-11 TCGA-W5-AA2I-11 TCGA-W6-AA0S-01 TCGA-W5-AA2W-01 TCGA-YR-A95A-01 TCGA-W5-AA33-01 TCGA-ZD-A8I3-01 TCGA-W5-AA2O-01 TCGA-W5-AA31-01 TCGA-W5-AA2Q-11 TCGA-W5-AA36-01 TCGA-W5-AA38-01 TCGA-ZU-A8S4-01 TCGA-W5-AA2Z-01 TCGA-3X-AAVC-01 TCGA-W5-AA30-11 TCGA-ZH-A8Y1-01 TCGA-3X-AAV9-01 TCGA-W5-AA2T-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y6-01 TCGA-ZH-A8Y8-01 TCGA-W5-AA2X-11
ENSG00000242268.2 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 92.0 46.0 92.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 97.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 97.0 46.0 100.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0
ENSG00000259041.1 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0
ENSG00000270112.3 44.0 44.0 44.0 92.0 92.0 44.0 44.0 100.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 98.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 92.0 92.0 44.0
ENSG00000167578.16 29.0 80.0 2.0 38.0 49.0 56.0 100.0 87.0 40.0 60.0 9.0 24.0 18.0 89.0 58.0 71.0 11.0 13.0 62.0 27.0 93.0 53.0 76.0 4.0 7.0 73.0 98.0 36.0 47.0 64.0 42.0 82.0 22.0 51.0 91.0 84.0 33.0 44.0 16.0 67.0 69.0 31.0 96.0 78.0 20.0
ENSG00000278814.1 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ENSG00000273233.1 23.0 86.0 23.0 91.0 59.0 23.0 52.0 73.0 66.0 98.0 23.0 81.0 66.0 23.0 100.0 52.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 73.0 81.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 47.0 52.0 78.0 23.0 73.0 89.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 93.0 23.0 86.0 66.0 23.0 59.0 23.0 23.0 96.0 66.0 52.0 23.0
ENSG00000105063.18 64.0 49.0 18.0 69.0 27.0 42.0 100.0 89.0 62.0 38.0 11.0 40.0 33.0 76.0 44.0 29.0 7.0 4.0 84.0 78.0 24.0 87.0 53.0 13.0 2.0 22.0 98.0 31.0 82.0 47.0 60.0 93.0 20.0 67.0 80.0 71.0 36.0 96.0 9.0 58.0 56.0 73.0 91.0 51.0 16.0
ENSG00000231119.2 37.0 17.0 54.0 6.0 11.0 89.0 17.0 70.0 6.0 46.0 74.0 37.0 17.0 6.0 46.0 84.0 67.0 23.0 29.0 62.0 23.0 37.0 54.0 79.0 46.0 37.0 96.0 62.0 54.0 17.0 29.0 98.0 79.0 6.0 62.0 100.0 54.0 29.0 70.0 74.0 92.0 46.0 92.0 87.0 82.0
ENSG00000280861.1 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0
ENSG00000181518.3 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0

60498 rows × 45 columns

We can plot a couple of these as a sanity check. The line plots should never go up and then down again

gene = 'ENSG00000105063.18'

fig = sns.relplot(kind='line', x=chol_matrix.loc[gene], y=percentiles.loc[gene])
fig.set(xlabel='TPM', ylabel='Percentile Rank')
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f6b96ba7f50>

Now let's look at the percentiles for our test sample

ENSG00000242268.2 46.0
ENSG00000259041.1 51.0
ENSG00000270112.3 44.0
ENSG00000167578.16 69.0
ENSG00000278814.1 51.0
... ...
ENSG00000273233.1 23.0
ENSG00000105063.18 56.0
ENSG00000231119.2 92.0
ENSG00000280861.1 51.0
ENSG00000181518.3 51.0

60498 rows × 1 columns

We can select the highest and lowest percentiles as a way to look for possible outliers (arbitrarily selecting 95 and 5 as thresholds).

percentiles[[test_sample_id]][(percentiles[test_sample_id] >= 95) | (percentiles[test_sample_id] <= 5)]
ENSG00000280143.1 98.0
ENSG00000232001.1 98.0
ENSG00000206072.12 100.0
ENSG00000254102.1 100.0
ENSG00000165312.6 100.0
... ...
ENSG00000103241.6 100.0
ENSG00000237803.5 100.0
ENSG00000270987.1 98.0
ENSG00000186115.12 4.0
ENSG00000123685.8 96.0

3530 rows × 1 columns

Calculating kIQR

The next metric we are going to look at is the kIQR. This metric is different from percentile in that it takes into account the spread or variance of the distribution. To be able to calculate this we first need to calculate some parameters for each gene

quantiles = pd.concat([
  chol_matrix.quantile(0.25, 1), 
  chol_matrix.quantile(0.5, 1), 
  chol_matrix.quantile(0.75, 1),
], axis=1).rename(
    columns={0.25: 'q1', 0.5: 'q2', 0.75: 'q3', test_sample_id: 'tpm'}
quantiles['iqr'] = quantiles.q3 - quantiles.q1
gene tpm q1 q2 q3 iqr
0 ENSG00000242268.2 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000
1 ENSG00000259041.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000
2 ENSG00000270112.3 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000
3 ENSG00000167578.16 4.8905 4.0046 4.6525 5.0104 1.0058
4 ENSG00000278814.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
60493 ENSG00000273233.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -3.4580 -3.0469 6.9189
60494 ENSG00000105063.18 5.0352 4.6713 4.9978 5.2327 0.5614
60495 ENSG00000231119.2 -2.4659 -4.6082 -3.8160 -3.1714 1.4368
60496 ENSG00000280861.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000
60497 ENSG00000181518.3 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000

60498 rows × 6 columns

Now we are ready to calculate the kIQR for our sample

quantiles['kiqr'] = quantiles[quantiles.iqr > 0].apply(lambda row: (row.tpm - row.q2) / row.iqr, axis=1)

Based on the newly calcuated kIQR we pick thresholds to select outliers. We can do these alone or with the percentile filters. We have arbitrarily chosen 3 for the purposes of this tutorial

quantile_outliers = quantiles[(quantiles.kiqr >= 3) | (quantiles.kiqr <= -3)].reset_index()
index gene tpm q1 q2 q3 iqr kiqr
0 245 ENSG00000259677.1 -9.9658 -4.6082 -3.6259 -2.8262 1.7820 -3.557744
1 481 ENSG00000223922.1 -9.9658 -4.2934 -3.4580 -2.3147 1.9787 -3.288927
2 598 ENSG00000255236.2 -9.9658 -3.3076 -2.1140 -1.3921 1.9155 -4.099086
3 652 ENSG00000057149.14 4.7464 -9.9658 -9.9658 -5.5735 4.3923 3.349544
4 1159 ENSG00000271916.1 -9.9658 -2.2447 -0.4719 0.4125 2.6572 -3.572896
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
121 58758 ENSG00000253492.1 -9.9658 -0.5756 1.7702 2.6161 3.1917 -3.677037
122 58852 ENSG00000169562.9 4.1612 6.8178 7.3061 7.6176 0.7998 -3.932108
123 59675 ENSG00000270617.1 -9.9658 -2.9324 -2.4659 -0.7834 2.1490 -3.489949
124 59884 ENSG00000235298.1 -9.9658 -1.0862 -0.3201 0.6239 1.7101 -5.640430
125 59912 ENSG00000070526.14 4.1252 -2.7274 -1.8314 -1.0262 1.7012 3.501411

126 rows × 8 columns

Now we pick some of these genes to plot

outlier_gene = quantile_outliers.iloc[0].gene 

And create a histogram which highlights where the current sample lands relative to the other samples

ax = sns.histplot(chol_matrix.T[outlier_gene], kde=True)

# add a marker over the bin the sample lands in
current = quantile_outliers[quantile_outliers.gene == outlier_gene].iloc[0].tpm

for p in ax.patches:
  if current >= p.get_x() and current <= p.get_x() + p.get_width():
          p.get_x() + (p.get_width() / 2),

Creating the Report Input

Since the required input to the IPR python adapter is JSON we will format the output from this analysis to match that specification. Note this will only contain the expression relevant portions.

We will start by combining the percentile, tpm, and kiqr into a single matrix

metrics_df = pd.concat([
  percentiles[[test_sample_id]].rename(columns={test_sample_id: 'percentile'})
], axis=1)
tpm q1 q2 q3 iqr kiqr percentile
ENSG00000242268.2 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000 NaN 46.0
ENSG00000259041.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000 NaN 51.0
ENSG00000270112.3 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000 NaN 44.0
ENSG00000167578.16 4.8905 4.0046 4.6525 5.0104 1.0058 0.236628 69.0
ENSG00000278814.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000 NaN 51.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ENSG00000273233.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -3.4580 -3.0469 6.9189 -0.940583 23.0
ENSG00000105063.18 5.0352 4.6713 4.9978 5.2327 0.5614 0.066619 56.0
ENSG00000231119.2 -2.4659 -4.6082 -3.8160 -3.1714 1.4368 0.939658 92.0
ENSG00000280861.1 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000 NaN 51.0
ENSG00000181518.3 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 -9.9658 0.0000 NaN 51.0

60498 rows × 7 columns

Next we are going to use our thresholds to assign labels

percentile_threshold = 97.5
kiqr_threshold = 2.5

metrics_df.loc[(metrics_df.percentile >= percentile_threshold) & (metrics_df.kiqr >= kiqr_threshold), 'kbCategory'] = 'increased expression'
metrics_df.loc[(metrics_df.percentile <= 100 - percentile_threshold) & (metrics_df.kiqr <= -1 * kiqr_threshold), 'kbCategory'] = 'reduced expression'

tpm q1 q2 q3 iqr kiqr percentile kbCategory
ENSG00000057149.14 4.7464 -9.9658 -9.9658 -5.5735 4.3923 3.349544 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000140522.11 0.0580 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.897554 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000089116.3 -0.0277 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.872781 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000087495.16 4.8095 -3.0469 -2.0529 -0.4325 2.6144 2.624847 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000272702.1 -6.5064 -2.5479 -1.5951 -1.1488 1.3991 -3.510328 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000254231.1 -2.2447 0.5955 1.2756 1.9527 1.3572 -2.593796 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000073282.12 1.4652 -4.2934 -3.6259 -2.3884 1.9050 2.672493 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000142700.11 0.3796 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.990519 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000077616.10 1.1641 -2.6349 -2.1779 -1.4699 1.1650 2.868670 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000227392.1 -9.9658 -1.3183 -0.2159 0.5568 1.8751 -5.199669 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000147689.16 5.2694 -6.5064 -5.5735 -3.1714 3.3350 3.251244 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000174332.5 1.3846 -5.0116 -4.2934 -3.3076 1.7040 3.332160 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000163207.6 2.4008 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 3.574782 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000158786.4 -0.6643 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.688761 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000261857.6 7.6963 -2.7274 -1.2481 -0.2845 2.4429 3.661386 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000265179.6 -0.4325 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.755767 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000198910.12 5.3948 -3.4580 -1.8836 -0.9406 2.5174 2.891237 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000196154.11 11.1159 5.3827 6.2565 7.3173 1.9346 2.511837 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000148704.12 -0.1828 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.827947 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000171956.6 -0.2159 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.818379 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000228630.5 0.9568 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 3.157368 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000132361.16 3.7825 5.2987 5.4922 5.7616 0.4629 -3.693454 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000113430.9 -0.1993 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.823177 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000166869.2 -0.1504 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.837313 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000198488.10 0.4967 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 3.024368 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000101470.9 2.6510 -2.5479 -1.8836 -1.3183 1.2296 3.687866 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000099958.14 7.1647 1.5563 2.5238 3.2002 1.6439 2.823104 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000125820.5 2.4805 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 3.597820 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000215115.6 0.7664 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 3.102330 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000130035.6 1.9931 -4.0350 -3.4580 -2.3884 1.6466 3.310519 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000101160.13 8.6516 7.4139 7.6005 7.8323 0.4184 2.512189 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000204930.9 -3.8160 -6.5064 -6.5064 -5.5735 0.9329 2.883910 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000215113.6 0.7664 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 3.102330 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000175928.5 3.2796 -2.8262 -1.9379 -0.7588 2.0674 2.523701 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000186081.11 6.5720 -3.6259 -2.3884 -0.1828 3.4431 2.602422 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000181690.7 0.9789 -4.0350 -3.3076 -2.6349 1.4001 3.061567 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000182103.4 -1.4305 -6.5064 -6.5064 -5.0116 1.4948 3.395705 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000271474.1 -0.9686 -4.6082 -3.8160 -3.6259 0.9823 2.898707 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000169962.4 1.3109 -2.7274 -2.1140 -1.4305 1.2969 2.640836 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000166105.15 -1.0262 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.584148 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000143199.17 -6.5064 -1.6850 -0.4521 0.5763 2.2613 -2.677354 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000180616.8 0.9191 -2.6349 -2.1140 -1.4305 1.2044 2.518349 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000230587.1 0.0990 -3.6259 -3.1714 -2.4659 1.1600 2.819310 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000256162.2 -9.9658 -1.0559 0.6880 3.1604 4.2163 -2.526813 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000205209.7 -6.5064 -3.4580 -2.5479 -1.9942 1.4638 -2.704263 2.0 reduced expression
ENSG00000204542.2 3.6382 -9.9658 -9.9658 -4.6082 5.3576 2.539197 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000166961.14 2.4359 -9.9658 -9.9658 -5.5735 4.3923 2.823509 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000102096.9 5.7455 2.5112 3.0393 3.5657 1.0545 2.566335 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000124191.17 5.1023 0.2522 0.9568 1.4911 1.2389 3.346113 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000107485.15 3.9175 -1.9379 -1.3921 0.0014 1.9393 2.737895 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000065618.16 5.4741 -4.6082 -2.9324 -1.4699 3.1383 2.678680 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000158816.15 -0.1828 -9.9658 -9.9658 -6.5064 3.4594 2.827947 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000135374.9 3.6077 -9.9658 -9.9658 -5.5735 4.3923 3.090294 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000145113.21 5.3618 -2.5479 -1.9942 -1.0262 1.5217 4.834067 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000162367.11 2.7847 -1.5522 -1.0559 -0.2328 1.3194 2.910869 100.0 increased expression
ENSG00000105371.8 1.3735 -3.8160 -3.0469 -2.0529 1.7631 2.507175 98.0 increased expression
ENSG00000070526.14 4.1252 -2.7274 -1.8314 -1.0262 1.7012 3.501411 98.0 increased expression

Finally we can use this to create our output. The percentiles and kIQR values we have calculated above were for our disease comparator but a similar process would be used for normal and biopsy comparators

metrics_df = metrics_df.rename(columns={'kiqr': 'diseasekIQR', 'percentile': 'diseasePercentile'}).reset_index()

We often leave non-variant expression records in to supplement the copy variant and structural variant information. For these records the kbCategory field is a null value since they are not an expression outlier

expression_variants = metrics_df[['tpm', 'diseasekIQR', 'diseasePercentile', 'gene', 'kbCategory']].replace({np.nan:None}).to_dict('records')
{'diseasePercentile': 46.0,
 'diseasekIQR': None,
 'gene': 'ENSG00000242268.2',
 'kbCategory': None,
 'tpm': -9.9658}

We will also add the disease comparator information to the JSON

output_json = {
    'comparators': [
        {'analysisRole': 'expression (disease)', 'name': 'TCGA CHOL', 'size': chol_matrix.shape[0]}
    'expressionVariants': expression_variants
with open('result.json', 'w') as fh:
  json.dump(output_json, fh)
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