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btllib Documentation

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Bioinformatics Technology Lab common code library in C++ with Python wrappers.


Installation for users

The recommended way is to download using Conda package manager: conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge btllib

Alternatively, you can compile the code from source. Download btllib-$VERSION.tar.gz from the GitHub latest release where $VERSION is the latest btllib version and do the following:

Using the library


Docs page

For btllib developers

The following are all the available ninja commands which can be run within build directory:



If you use btllib in your research, please cite:

Nikolić et al., (2022). btllib: A C++ library with Python interface for efficient genomic sequence processing. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(79), 4720,

If you use aaHash in your research, please cite:

Wong et al., (2023). aaHash: recursive amino acid sequence hashing. Bioinformatics Advances, vbad162,